Posts tagged “”

Oyster at the Hackday (pt1)

Mark Keating has already blogged in detail about the Hackday 2010 from a social & logistic point of view, and I’ll just agree here that it was indeed awesome in the true sense of the world! Instead, I’d like to wrap up some detail about Oyster itself, the project that about a dozen of […] hackday on Saturday! (20th November 2010, Lancaster)

So, we’re gearing up for the Hackday (wiki)! We’ll be mostly working on the following projects: Oyster: “an incubator for perls in the cloud” (roadmap) (tasks). This is the project I proposed, and I’m very excited (and very very scared!) about it. Ironman (Last year’s main Hackday project, ably herded by Ian Norton and […]

“Functional Pe(a)rls” at, Manchester, 5th May

The nice chaps at NorthWestEngland PerlMongers have organized a technical meeting on 5th May, at the Manchester Digital Development Agency. I’ll be doing a 3rd version of my Functional Pe(a)rls talk, about Haskell-inspired craziness in Pure Perl. And Matt Trout and Ian Norton will be talking about OO Database design, and Maildir migration, so there’s […]