Archive for July, 2009

A brief note on technical translation: Jay Kuri’s Gentle Introduction to Moose

While we were discussing how to promote the Italian Perl Workshop, and the planned training on Moose, I noted that there weren’t any articles on Moose (Perl’s modern OO implementation, inspired by CLOS, Smalltalk and Ruby) on Lordarthas of course told me “well volunteered!”… oops. I pointed out that I don’t really know Moose, […]

Bids for YAPC::EU::2010 – Pisa and Kiev!

Organizing a conference is hard, let’s go shopping! For the first time I’m officially helping, not just for the Italian Perl Workshop this year, but possibly for YAPC::EU::2010 too. I’ve been working with the guys on the proposal to host the European Perl Conference 2010 in Pisa. We submitted the bid on Monday, and […]