Perl snippet for getPrefixMap

Some interesting comments on yesterday's Haskell post.  I thought I'd write this in Perl to compare.  Of course, we don't have an "inits" function in the standard library, but that's easily written:

use strict; use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

my %hash = (
"key1" => 1,
"key2" => 2,
"other" => 3,

sub inits {
my $string = shift or return;
return ($string, inits( substr($string, 0, -1)) );

sub getPrefixMap {
my %hash = @_;
return map {
my $k = $_; my $v = $hash{$_};
map { ($_ => $v) } inits $k;
} keys %hash;

my %map = getPrefixMap( %hash );
print Dumper( \%map );

This is a bit noisier, but perhaps more straight-forward than the final haskell version…
Update: broquaint pointed out that the code listing above was missing the zero in the substr, breaking it.  Thanks!